Thursday, November 6, 2008

A midweek run

Well sort of anyway. I woke and worked this morning in Yulee, FL. After my work day ended around 3:00 I drove the 100+ miles up I-95 to Savannah. I checked into the hotel, checked my emails, etc. and then headed to the "fitness center" to get a 3 mile run in on the treadmill. Yes, I have stayed at this Clarion before and used the TM.

Although I was hungry, I knew I could knock out the three miles easily before heading out to dinner. I was excited to hit the TM...for about 30 seconds. I'll admit that I get bored easily on the TM but that wasn't the issue tonight. The stupid TM belt was slipping badly causing me to constantly be readjusting my balance to avoid being thrown forward or off the back. The faster the speed, the worse the slippage. I stuck it out for two miles and finally called it quits. I sure would have liked to get another mile in, but it just wasn't worth risking injury and frustration.

After cooling down, I went out for a yummy dinner at Outback (7 oz filet, sweet potato, salad, bread and 3 big glasses of unsweet, yes unsweet tea). I then headed to a nearby Krystal location for my night visit. Unfortunately it went about as well as my TM experience, so tomorrow could be a real challenge.

Hopefully I'll be done around 3:00 tomorrow and home around 7:00. Looking forward to being home with Gerri and getting to spend some time with Chelsea and Heather. Running 7 miles Saturday morning downtown and then running the 5K Caine Halter Lungs for Life Run/Walk. Saturday afternoon will also feature the biggest game of the season for Alabama when we play LSU at LSU at 3:30pm. Sunday morning we'll be headed to NewSpring Greenville and then lunch with our good friends Eric and Robin.

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