Saturday, November 15, 2008

12 miler in Mountain Brook

Just back from a 12 mile jaunt through Mountain Brook and Homewood, AL. It was cold, windy and overcast. Run completed in 2:19 for an 11:34 pace.

Now I have to grab a quick shower and head down to Tuscaloosa for the Bama vs. Miss State game. I'll update later, probably Sunday night.

Roll Tide Roll!

1 comment:

Gotta Run..... said...

Alright, I have just read all of your recents post.

I have an idea... it is just a thought... so take it or leave it... but since the hotel treadmills seem to be awful and boring why don't you hit the roads outdoors? The front desk can provide you with safe areas to run in. If you have a person traveling with you than through on headlamp and reflector gear.

BTW - Sticky Fingers is a death trap :)