Monday, November 3, 2008

Coming Soon

Okay I'll admit that I was a slacker in October. A bad slacker. I only got in three runs, that right THREE runs. A 12 miler, an 8 miler and a Half Marathon. No wonder it was so hard! I got in a similar number of blogs, maybe 1 or 2 more. I find neither of these acceptable, so November is kick myself in the butt month.

I already have an 8 mile run in, and although short, my first blog of the month. I'm going to attempt 3-4 runs and blogs each week. Assuming I'm successful I'll have a written record of my life (warts and all) and will hopefully be better prepared for the next Half Marathon on Dec 6th. I 'm hoping Kiawah will be a better run and my training leading up to it will provide an initial base on which to begin building my Marathon training.

Did I mention that Alabama Football is the #1 team in the country? Bama has not been ranked #1 in the regular season since 1980, although we were ranked #1 at the end of the 1992 season when we whipped Miami to win the National Championship. With Bama back on top, life seems to have returned to normal.

So 1 run in the books and now 1 blog. Today was a long travel day to Jacksonville, but I'm planning on getting in a few runs this week while I'm on the road. Feel free to kick me in the pants if I fall short this month.

1 comment:

Gotta Run..... said...

Kick your Butt Month... now that is great.

My blog has and continues to be an accountabilty in my training and goals.

I will be checking in to see how you are doing. December is just around the corner!!!

Thank you for the wonderful comments on my race. Still on such a HIGH!!!