Wednesday, July 23, 2008

And Away We Go

After over two weeks without hitting the road, I finally got back it tonight. Ran a trail in Columbus, GA around Lake Heath. A nice little 2.14 mile path mostly tree lined. It's hard to believe that 2 months ago I ran a marathon, and tonight I struggled to complete 2.5 miles. I know I've got a long way back, but slow and steady is the plan.

Last year I was doing great until August when I hit a hot, humid day on a 12 miler and my training suffered for two and a half months. This year I'll build slowly and hope to peak for the Spinx Runfest or Kiawah in December. Build slowly, stay positive and injury free.

The long road begins again...


Gerri said...

You can do this and will do this. You have a good, solid plan in place. You are the strongest person I know and my hero always and forever!

dadrunner said...

Thanks for your kind words on my blog. I know what you mean about going downhill fast. I ran St. Jude's in December, we had a baby in March, and now I'm just getting back in it. Seems like it took a lot longer to get to marathon-level fitness than it did to lose it! Probably doesn't help that I'm still eating like I was training for a marathon...