Friday, September 5, 2008

My Tanita Scale Doesn't Lie

This morning, I stepped on the scale for the 1st time in several weeks. Maybe a month. I knew it would not be pleasant and it wasn't. 210.6 210.6 210.6 I was hoping for the anti-Beetlejuice (Candyman) effect. Instead of saying it three times and Beetlejuice appearing, I was hoping that by saying my weight three times fast the weight would disappear. It didn't and it won't unless I make changes.

My 5'11" frame once busted out about 250 pounds. Earlier this year, I had crossed the mendoza line (mythical .200 batting average in baseball). It felt great to see my weight below 200. I settled in for a period between 197-199. Some days, I would bounce up to 201, then back down depending upon my sodium intake and miles run. As I trained for the marathon, I made the mistake of thinking I could just eat. Hey I was training for a marathon so I must be burning lots of calories, right? WRONG! By the marathon, I was about 204-205.

The marathon was May 25th. My mileage has not yet returned to at least 20 miles per week, but my eating habits returned to pre-running days. The net result is gaining an additional 5+ pounds in just over 3 months. I could see it coming (mirror), I could feel it coming (sluggishness/pants), my wife could hear it coming (increased snoring).

Besides the possible long term health implications of being overweight, I don't like the way I look or feel. I certainly don't like the way it impacts my running. Besides the additional impact on the knees, legs, etc and having to work harder, studies suggest that each pound has about a 2 second per mile impact. Hey I need every bit of speed that I can find.

So I have made a commitment to myself to get back on track. My short term goal is to get back down to 205, my mid term goal is to get back below the mendoza line, and my long term goal is to get to 195 or lower. In an attempt to go big or stay home, I'm going to try for 12 in 12, weeks not days!

Things I will do to reach my goal.

1) Make a commitment to myself

2) Seek the help and support of my wife

3) Make better food choices and cook more often

4) Get back to eating more smaller meals

5) Oatmeal on the road

6) Track my intake on Spark People

7) Exercise at least 4 times per week

8) Drink 80 ounces of water daily

9) Weigh at least once per week

10) Post my weekly results on my blog

The picture above represents 1 pound of fat or 3,500 calories. In order to lose 12 in 12, I need to create a calorie deficit of 3,500 calories per week or 500 calories per day. This will come from increasing calories burned (physical activity) and reducing calorie intake (smart food choices).
It's in writing now, for all to see. A weight loss contract between me, myself and I.

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