Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inspirational Quote

I saw the Angel in the marble
and I chiseled until
I set it free.

Friday, January 16, 2009

I'm Back, Sort Of, and Other Ramblings

This has been a slow start to the New Year.

1) I have not run since the Hair of the Dog on New Years morning. That probably does not bode well for the upcoming Tybee Half Marathon in three weeks.

2) I have not taken the time to blog, and I miss it.

3) I have not gotten back on a healthy eating plan. Mexican tonight, yummy, but not exactly putting me on the right path.

4) And I still haven't written up my Kiawah race report (Sorry Robin).

Although these things appear negative, overall things are positive. We have made good progress getting the house ready for sale. One more bedroom to paint this weekend and some de-cluttering in the office, kitchen and family room.

Gerri and I have spent additional time for NewSpring. Sunday morning service at 9:15am in Greenville, then volunteering at the 6:00pm in Anderson. Home Group on Thursday nights. And last night we had the pleasure to assist with an amazing membership class in Greenville last night. 300 people, that's right, 300 people had signed up for a membership class. Most churches I have belonged to did not even have 300 members.

We made reservations today for a week in Orlando. This will be a "work" trip, but we hope to be able to see some friends and enjoy a last hurrah before Gerri begins Law School.

Speaking of Law School, we are heading to the University of South Carolina in the morning for another Open House. This will be our 4th (Charleston, Alabama and Cumberland). Gerri is still anxiously awaiting decisions, having only heard from two schools so far. She was accepted at Charleston and rejected by Stetson. I'm praying for more decisions soon, especially positive ones.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Yikes, is it really January 8th?

If you happen to read this blog, I apologize for my absence. Between the holidays and trying to get the house ready for sale, I've been pretty much Missing In Action. Next Monday things return to normal, well at least normal in my life. That means life back on the road during the week.

My running has absolutely suffered. My last run was the Hair of the Dog 5 miler fun run in Spartanburg on New Years morning. It is a beautiful, moderately hilly course that weaves through some beautiful neighborhoods. The brisk morning air seems like a great way to start the New Year.

I hate to say that my run was tough, with several walk breaks. The walk breaks can be attributed my rapidly deteriorating conditioning level as well as continued pain in my calf/shin in my left leg. I have not run since, and should be getting concerned with the upcoming Tybee Half Marathon in a four weeks. Last year Tybee was my 2nd Half and to date is still my Half PR. Unfortunately my conditioning and weight were much better a year ago, so I have no unrealistic expectations this year.

Gerri and I decided to not run the Shamrock Marathon because realistically we can't/won't be ready. I've really struggled with my motivation since the Vermont Marathon way back in May, and it's time that I snap out of it. If only it was that easy.

It wasn't that long ago that I started from scratch with the Couch to 5K program and if I'm not careful, I may need to start all over again.